GPS Correlate
Geotagga JPG-bilder baserat på en GPX-fil och bildernas datum när de är tagna. Interpolering sker mellan punkterna i GPX-filen.
EXIF-GPS Photo matching program. Daniel Foote, 2005. Usage: gpscorrelate --gps|-g file.gpx [options] file1.jpg file2.jpg ... --gps or -g file.gpx: required, specifies GPX file with GPS data. --timeadd or -z +/-XX[:XX]: time to add to GPS data to make it match photos. GPS data is in UTC; photos are not likely to be in UTC. Enter the timezone used when taking the photos: eg, +8 for Perth. --no-interpolation or -i: disable interpolation between points. Interpolation is linear, points rounded if disabled. --verbose or -v: show what has been selected. --datum or -d datum: specify measurement datum. If not set, WGS-84 used. --no-write or -n: do not write the exif data. Useful with --verbose. --max-dist or -m time: max time outside points that photo will be matched. Time is in seconds. --show or -s: Just show the GPS data from the given files, if it exists. --machine or -o: Just show the GPS data from the given files, machine readable output. --remove or -r: Strip GPS tags from the given files, and then quit. --ignore-tracksegs or -t: Interpolate between track segments too. --no-mtime or -M: Don't change mtime of modified files. --fix-datestamps or -f: Fix broken GPS datestamps written with versions < 1.5.2 --degmins or -p: Write location as DD MM.MM as was default before < 1.5.3. --photooffset or -O <seconds>: Offset added to photo time to make it match the GPS. --help or -h: display usage/help message. --version or -V: display version information.
ubuntu:~# apt-get install gpscorrelate