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%% LaTeX Template Version 2.2
%% Anders Sikvall
%% Valhall Development
%% (C)2003 - Free for personal use, please email me improvements to
%% ichi@ichimusai.org
% Preamble
% Packages included
\clubpenalty=9999 % Not higher!
\widowpenalty=9999 % Not higher!
% \makeindex
% Some custom macros
% Titlerule is a FAT ruler
% For comments in the draft - work in progress
% Notes in the margin are nicer this way.
\newcommand{\marginnote}[1]{\marginpar{\scriptsize\raggedright #1}}
% Do you want to have the possibility of including color in your PDFs?
% Check if in PDFLaTeX or ``normal''
% Set up PDF specific. These are used when the file is compiled with
% pdflatex instead of ordinary latex.
% if PDFLaTeX use these parameters
pdftitle={ENTER TITLE HERE},
pdfauthor={ENTER AUTHOR HERE},
pdfsubject={ENTER SUBJECT HERE},
% Ordinary tex use these parameters
% Setting up pagestyles for ``fancy''
\lhead{\textbf{DOCUMENT NAME}\\\textbf{Subtitle}}
\headrulewidth 1.3pt
\footrulewidth 1.3pt
\cfoot{\textcopyright\ COMPANY NAME}
\rfoot{Sida \thepage}
% Making a nice TITLEPAGE
\includegraphics[width= 8cm]{logotype}
\Huge \textsc{DOCUMENT TITLE\\Subtitle}\\[5mm]
\huge COMPANY NAME\\[3.5mm]
\scriptsize \today
\textsf{\textcopyright COMPANY NAME}
% If this is put in front of the table of contents etc it will look
% rather funny so refrain from doing that. To do something like that
% you could always reset the length of the \parskip.
%% Your LaTeX Here!